Workspace Academy
Learn and adopt a systematic workflow for Google Workspace

Join an immersive course designed to help you eliminate unnecessary mental and digital clutter so you can focus on doing more of what matters.

👋 I'm Jeff, Management Consultant turned Product Marketing Manager and I'm excited to share the exact workflow I spent 10+ years perfecting in Google Workspace. 

In just a few hours, you’ll learn a streamlined workflow that enables you to process information so that you never lose track of a file, idea, and note ever again.

Centralize your Tasks, Ideas, and Notes

In-depth mastery of Google Workspace tools

Strategies to automate your workflow

What am I signing up for?

When we boil it down, there are really just 4 different types of information we come across in the workplace: Tasks, Ideas, Notes, and Media. And the most productive and organized professionals are those who have developed a reliable system to manage all 4. 

Now, there’s good news and bad news.

The good news is we don’t have to completely reinvent the wheel here. We can take the tried-and-true principles from productivity experts and apply them to the workplace.

The bad news is without proper guidance, the sheer amount of tools and features in Google Workspace can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel lost about which apps to use for specific tasks, how to set them up effectively for your use case, and - most importantly - how to integrate them all into one seamless workflow.

Why Join the Waitlist?

Places in the Academy are limited to 100 spots per quarter to ensure personalized feedback and interactive (bonus) workshops. Joining the Waitlist means you’ll have a heads up in advance when those spots go live!

You’ll learn from my blend of consulting acumen and Google Workspace expertise, which has empowered over 10,000 professionals to level up their productivity.

I’ll teach you to adopt the “Do once, Enjoy forever” setup and you’ll witness tangible productivity boosts and time savings in your daily work.

Hear from those who've levelled up their workflows and saved countless hours through the Academy:

Ready to revolutionize your productivity? 

Join the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.

Let's Go!