Get Instant Access to Essential Tips and Templates

Workspace Toolkit

Your Free 7-Day Email Course packed with powerful tips and templates to optimize your favorite Google apps:

Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Slides, Sheets, Docs, and Gemini! 


As a special bonus, Toolkit subscribers will receive exclusive invitations to live workshops held every quarter.

These sessions provide an opportunity to dive deeper into the tools (e.g. Google Tasks, Keep, Drive) and techniques (e.g. Inbox Zero for Gmail) that can further enhance your productivity and organization.

What do you get?

  • My top 5 Gmail filters for a cleaner inbox
  • Recommended “set-and-forget” settings for Google Calendar
  • 4 tips to find relevant files faster in Google Drive
  • The most flexible Notes Template in Google Docs
  • A Google Sheets template optimized for team meetings
  • The “dual-color” Google Slides template I use at work
  • 5 must-use prompts for Google Gemini

"If you’re looking for something that cuts like a hot knife through the noise and straight to the actionable improvement ideas, I recommend adding Jeff to your arsenal."